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The Saving Plan

So I know I should have probably started this when the year just started but May has brought about a lot of new “Plans” for me. So today I put 1 dollar into my savings account. I will move the money every Sunday into my savings account, the target is to follow this 52 week saving challenge. Yes it only gives you $1378 at the end of the year but for a female who has recently been struggling to even rub two pennies together this would be a great start! I will be doing this with my simplii account.


There is another plan that I’m going to try to do with my other bank account (tangerine) but I might not stick to it as the amount to save each week is higher but if you can do it, that would be great because at the end of the year you would have savedĀ  5k.

more money
So all deposits were made this week hopefully on Sunday I can make week 2 deposits. God has a plan for me, this I know.

God Willing